The extraordinary doctors and activists whose work 30 years ago to save lives in a rural Haitian village grew into a global battle in the halls of power for the right to health for all. 译文(3): 30年前,非凡的医生和活动家们在海地农村拯救生命,他们的工作发展成为权力大厅里为所有人争取健康权的全球斗争。
The extraordinary doctors and activists whose work 30 years ago to save lives in a rural Haitian village grew into a global battle in the halls of power for the right to health for all. 译文(3): 30年前,非凡的医生和活动家们在海地农村拯救生命,他们的工作发展成为权力大厅里为所有人争取健康权的全球斗争。